Cloud Security Services

Cloud is everywhere, and it has people both excited, and nervous. It has the opportunity to provide benefits that are already too early to realise, both to consumers, and to businesses. The attraction of reduced hardware cost and software ownership is unquestionably a major attraction to both SME’s all the way through to large corporate enterprises, allowing them to focus on what they do best. This also though has potential conflicting security concerns where the external parties may adopt a different security posture, or management of information than when the data and/or processing residing on-premise. Be that as it may, cloud computing is an unstoppable force, and as security practitioners, it is our responsibility to enable the business to take educated risks to take advantage of what this exciting evolution can offer.

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CCSK certified cloud security architects

As an early adopter of the CCSK (Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge), our certified cloud security architects have a strong foundation and understanding of key information security concepts and the ability to apply these concepts toward cloud computing security, being uniquely positioned to assist in your organisations efforts to leverage secure cloud computing.

selecting the appropriate S.P.I model

Whether private, public, community, or hybrid; and hosting scenarios: internal, external, or combined, whatever cloud model you are considering adopting, we can help you importance of what you are considering moving to the cloud and which of the S.P.I models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) can work for your own risk tolerance

aligning cloud security to your information security program

We can assist aligning your information security program using best practice tools with emerging cloud security requirements such as CAMM (Common Assurance Maturity Model).

assessing and engaging your cloud provider

We can work with you to provide an assessment of your cloud security provider using tools such as CAIQ and CCM from the Cloud Security Alliance, and provide interpretation of submitted STAR (Security Trust and Assurance Registry) cloud provider self-assessments, determining the general security posture of a cloud service and how it relates to your asset’s assurance and protection requirements.

establish accountability and responsibility with your CSP (Cloud Service Provider)

Our security architects can use industry toolkits designed for peeling back and revealing those layers of accountability and responsibility between Cloud Service Providers and their Tenants, applying measurable risk-based decision making for both assessing and attesting to governance, risk and compliance best practices.

understanding your cloud security controls and consumer accountability

From a security architecture perspective, the lower down the cloud stack (S.P.I model) you go, the more security capabilities and management cloud consumers are responsible for implementing and administering themselves. We can assist in the selection, and accountability of security controls, ensuring your security requirements are contractually enforceable.

cloud security architecture

Our architects have expert knowledge of Cloud security architecture, strategies and standards to determine, develop and deliver comprehensive security requirements as an advisor for potential cloud solutions.

improving your security posture, with cloud

While much has been said for the potential risks of using cloud services, the reality is, many businesses can actually improve their security posture by adopting cloud services where the security controls and internal governance imposed are actually far beyond what they are actually doing in house. We shine the light not only on the risks, but on the tangible benefits of improving your current on-premise services, by moving in to the cloud.

impartial advice on commercial options

We can advise on the use of solutions emphasize business value and competitive differentiation using commercial Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud environments, i.e. Amazon EC2, RackSpace, Firehost , etc.

virtualization security and shared technology best practices

Our security architects have a strong foundation in the best practice security centric deployment of enterprise virtualization, VDI, Linux, Microsoft, and VMWare technologies related to public/private cloud technologies, such as mitigating known attacks and vulnerabilities in the virtual infrastructure layer, to the appropriate use of AAA (authentication, authorisation , accountability) and encryption key management principles.

We provide three main services, guiding you through the various stages of the Cloud Security adoption.

Cloud Security Risk Assessment

Cloud Security Strategy Definition

Cloud Security Solution Integration

If you would like to talk to our of our Cloud Security Architects about your requirements for Cloud Security services, please get in touch with us.